Secrets, Secrets Are Lots of Fun

Secrets, Secrets Are Lots of Fun: Popular Myths About the Secrets We Think We Have (but really don’t) & the Ones We Should Fight Like Hell to Protect

It used to be a lot easier to keep secrets, either for our own safety and those we care about. But in the age of corporate and the government surveillance, data breaches, and social media, what information is ever truly private and what’s the best way to use emojis and memes in work communications to make legal discovery a little more fun? 😎

Melanie Ensign

Melanie Ensign

Melanie Ensign is the Founder and CEO of Discernible Inc, a specialized security and privacy communications firms. After managing security and privacy communications for some of the world’s most notable brands, including Facebook, Uber, and AT&T, Melanie Ensign founded Discernible to help more security and privacy teams develop effective communications strategies to establish credibility and influence with business leaders. Previously, Melanie led the DEF CON press department for 10 years. She is also an accomplished scuba diver and brings many lessons learned preparing for and navigating unexpected, high-risk rescue incidents to her professional work.


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Secrets, Secrets Are Lots of Fun


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

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It used to be a lot easier to keep secrets, either for our own safety and those we care about. But in the age of corporate and the government surveillance, data breaches, and social media, what information is ever truly private and what’s the best way to use emojis and memes in work communications to make legal discovery a little more fun? 😎

Secrets, Secrets Are Lots of Fun: Popular Myths About the Secrets We Think We Have (but really don’t) & the Ones We Should Fight Like Hell to Protect

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